Yeah, I'm afraid. It messed me up.

Whataya want from me
Whataya want from me
Yeah, I'm afraid
Whataya want from me
Whataya want from me
There might have been a time
I would give myself away
(Ooh) Once upon a time
I didn't give a damn
But now here we are
So whataya want from me
Whataya want from me
Just don't give up
I'm workin' it out
Please don't give in
I won't let you down
It messed me up, need a second to breathe
Just keep coming around
Hey, whataya want from me
Whataya want from me
Yeah, it's plain to see
That baby you're beautiful
And it's nothing wrong with you
It's me... I'm a freak
But thanks for lovin' me
Cause you're doing it perfectly
There might have been a time
When I would let you slip away
I wouldn't even try but I think
You could save my life
Just don't give up
I'm workin' it out
Please don't give in
I won't let you down
It messed me up, need a second to breathe
Just keep coming around
Hey, whataya want from me
Whataya want from me
Just don't give up on me
I won't let you down
No, I won't let you down
Just don't give up
I'm workin' it out
Please don't give in
I won't let you down
It messed me up, need a second to breathe
Just keep coming around
Hey, whataya want from me
Just don't give up
I'm workin' it out
Please don't give in
I won't let you down
It messed me up, need a second to breathe
Just keep coming around
Hey, whataya want from me
(Whataya want from me)
Whataya want from me
Whataya want from me
Ge oss sverige tillbaka - Låt av två kloka män!
Jag fick ett brev ifrån SD, bara härom dagen
Jag öppna och läste - icke!
För jag såg att de var suckers, bara från omslaget
så ni kan sluta att skicka,
Eran hatkampanj, eran reklamkampanj
vi vet redan att de leder till gaskammarn.
Och vi skulle ge er Sverige tillbaka (VA?)
'vi vill skicka folket tillbaka' (VA?)
Så jävla ologiskt och ogenomtänkt
Som om ni hade patent på vad som kallas svenskt
Svenskhet förändras ständigt och jämt
Och har gjort så, enda sen den dagen Sverige fick en
Ge oss Sverige tillbaka, jag snackar om hela kakan
Ge oss Sverige tillbaka, ge inte bort det till nån
Sverigedemokrat va?
Ge oss Sverige tillbaka, som det var innan de började
Vi tar Sverige tillbaka, vi valurnan och ute på gatan!
Rassar och Nassar precis vid gränsen
Som Kjaersgaard, Jimmie Åkesson och Siv Jenssen
Visst är det hemskt, men samtidigt härligt
att ni tycker mångfalden är så förfärligt
så besvärligt, Sverige i många färger
Blundar hellre än att se er om i världen
Men dölj era budskap väl, era kräk
Beyond logotypen ni är vad ni är.
Och det värsta som kan hända är väl det som redan
Att massa nya svenskar härstammar från andra länder
Men all denna rädslan, okunskapen
Det är ett trubbigt vapen, för vad finns kvar sen?
Sverigedemokraten är skev i basen
Claimar rätt till Sverige, och vill ha tillbaks den.
Vad blir kvar i ditt fosterland utan invandrare
Det är som ett fartyg utan ett ankare.
Vem städar dina golv? Vem ska göra din kebab?
Vem ska göra mål i VM? Vem ska köra ambulans?
Vem ska vidga dina vyer? Vem ska lära dina barn?
Vem ska föra Sverige framåt när du bara vill tillbax?
Ge oss Sverige tillbaka, jag snackar om hela kakan
Ge oss Sverige tillbaka, ge inte bort det till nån
Sverigedemokrat va?
Ge oss Sverige tillbaka, som det var innan de började
Vi tar Sverige tillbaka, vid valurnan och ute på gatan
Jag vill inte ha era traditioner, jag vill inte ha eran
Jag vill inte ha eran definition av det ni kallar
svenskhet x2
Ge oss Sverige tillbaka, jag snackar om hela kakan
Ge oss Sverige tillbaka, ge inte bort det till nån
Sverigedemokrat va?
Ge oss Sverige tillbaka, som det var innan de började
Vi tar Sverige tillbaka, vid valurnan och ute på gatan
Ge det tillbaks....
Favorit i repris!

Kings Of Convenience
The Kooks
The Ark
The Hives
Mando Diao
Lasse Lindh
Three words for you
Du är så fin :]
En sång, till lilla mig? TACK!
NICE ;-)!
Love is my drug, it's my heroin.
Stay with me honey, stay with me honey, stay with me
Love is my drug, is my heroin
When you are feeling tired
I'll lay there with you
When you get up early in the morning
I'll get up with you
If you have a craving
I'll get it for you
If you wanna take a ride all by yourself
I'll be waiting for you
Love is my drug, is my medicine
Stay with me honey, stay with me honey, stay with me
Love is my drug, she's my heroin
Stay with me honey, stay with me honey, stay with me
Stay with me honey, stay with me honey, stay with me
Stay with me honey, stay with me honey, stay with me
When you feeling fired up
I'll fire with you
If you had to lie a little
I'll let it be true
When you get low I'll, get lower than you
When you've had enough of had it
much more than you knew
Love is my drug, is my medicine
Stay with me honey, stay with me honey, stay with me
Love is my drug, she's my heroin
Stay with me honey, stay with me honey, stay with me
Det är en fin låt och så ska den sjungas också!
Mycket mycket bra!
Den heter faktist "Kärlek Väntar"
Jag har löst det!
De säger både "Brinn pengar brinn" och "Brinn hjärtat brinn"
btw, gillar varken videon eller låten
I'm Yours på ukulele
Jag vill ha snötyngda hus
Sov några få minuter i natt. Var uppe och såg till så lucia inte gjorde illa sig eftersom sövmedelet hon fick hos veterinären var så stark att hon knappt kunde gå 18 timmar senare. Men hon mår bättre nu :-) och ikväll ska jag lägga mig, riktigt tidigt! Ska nog göra mig i ordning redan nu, men kanske inte somnar förrän tio eller elva. Hells Kitchen är idag och jag vill inte missa det :-S men det är klockan elva och det är nästan för sent just idag. I säng ska jag iallafall vara vid tio :-)
btw, Min jul-önskelista är snart klar och publiseras nån gång i veckan :-)
tomtar överrallt och en skog av gröna granar
Jag vill ha snötyngda hus, tusentals ljus
kulörta kulor i drivor
Bjällerklang som akompangemang och alla julens skivor"
Eli Mattson
De små pojkarna som nu blivit stora.
Denna låten är iallafall en av nittiotalets bästa låtar ;-)
typ bra text egentligen. Läs den! :-)
Only one or two will last
You go through all this pain and strife
Then you turn your back and they're gone so fast
And they're gone so fast
So hold on to the ones who really care
In the end they'll be the only ones there
When you get old and start losing your hair
Can you tell me who will still care?
Can you tell me who will still care?
Mmm bop, ba duba dop
Ba du bop, ba duba dop
Ba du bop, ba duba dop
Ba du
Mmm bop, ba duba dop
Ba du bop, Ba du dop
Ba du bop, Ba du dop
Ba du
Plant a seed, plant a flower, plant a rose
You can plant any one of those
Keep planting to find out which one grows
It's a secret no one knows
It's a secret no one knows
(Repeat Chorus)
In an mmm bop they're gone.
In an mmm bop they're not there.
In an mmm bop they're gone.
In an mmm bop they're not there.
Until you lose your hair. But you don't care.
(Repeat Chorus)
Can you tell me? You say you can but you don't know.
Can you tell me which flower's going to grow?
Can you tell me if it's going to be a daisy or a rose?
Can you tell me which flower's going to grow?
Can you tell me? You say you can but you don't know.
(Repeat Chorus)
I'm doing just fine

Med papper och penna
Let me be carefree
Forever you and me
Forever me and you
I know it's not my fault
I long to be forgiven
For whatever it is I've done
Tonight the oceans at my feet
The stars glitter just like diamonds
I'm here to drown my fears
So I can wake up empty and be
I know we're not the same
I'm trapt for long to be free
Sing another song
Turn the night light on
Watch me fall asleep
Tonight the oceans at my feet
The stars glitter just like diamonds
I'm here to drown my fears
So I can wake up empty and be
Carefree why can we not be?
Forever you and me
Forever me and you
Carefree let me be
Carefree always be
Carefree (carefree)
Let me be (let me be)
Carefree let me be
Always be carefree
Vem blir inte på PARTYMUMÖR!?

Now we watch TV til we fall asleep. Not very exciting, but it's you and me..
Denna låt känner ni nog igen. Jag gillar den. Lägger ut den till min pojkvän♥
Always when we fight
I try to make you laugh
Til everything's forgotten
I know you hate that
ba ba da da ba ba ba ba (2x)
Always when we fight
I kiss you once or twice
And everything's forgotten
I know you hate that
I love you Sunday song
The week's not yet begun
And everything is quiet
And it's always...
You and me always, and forever
You and me always, and forever
ba ba ba ba da ba, it was always
You and me always..
You tell me I'm a real man
and try to look impressed
Not very convincing
But you know I love it
Now we watch TV
Til we fall asleep
Not very exciting
But it's you and...
Me and we'll always be together
You and me always, and forever
ba ba ba ba da ba, it was always...
You and me always, and forever
You and me always, and forever
ba ba ba ba da ba, it was always...
You and me always, and forever
You and me always, and forever
ba ba ba ba da ba ba....
ba ra ra
This is My hometown.
De sjunger om Skellefteå. BRA låt :-)
This is "my home town song"
A "how it's like at home song"
Spending hours all alone
Waiting by the phone
It's hard to say come closer
When you're so far away
And sometimes it's hard to remember that
Tomorrow is as close as yesterday
This is my home town
I'm dossing up and down these streets,
Where nothing ever seems to change
Where wet green grass meets dust and dirt
That's where love no longer hurts
I've never been a loner,
At least I've never wanted to be one
So whatever you do, remember one thing:
My home is where my heart is and...
This is my home town
It's hard to say "come closer"
When you're so far away
Whatever you do, remember one thing:
My home is where my heart is!
one two three
Britneys nya låt (i think) som marre visade mig :-)
Nick Pitera
Här har vi orginalet från filmen. Likt, visst? ;-)