It flows in me. It will never leave me. I will never regret or forget.


I will remember you
And all of the things
we've gone through
There is so much
I could say
but words get in the way
So, if we're not together
I will remember you

We're a picture
in my mind
And when I want to find you
I just close my eyes
You'll never be that far from me
So don't say goodbye
couse you'll never be that far from me
I'm telling myself

Postat av: Anonym

Snälla! vad har du sökt på för youtube för den där låten? den 'r så sjukt jävla bra!!

snäälla skriv i nästan inlägg! :)

Gott nytt år =)

2008-12-30 @ 19:20:33

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